Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Great Ziggurat of Ur

In the middle of the 3rd millennium BCE , the ancient Mesopotamians began edifice huge stepped platforms out of fired bricks called ziggurats. Their significance together with utilization are non clear but they are believed to cause got held shrines , although the exclusively prove for this comes from Herodotus , together with no shrines cause got e'er been constitute on whatever of the dozens of ziggurats that prevarication scattered inwards the deserts of Islamic Republic of Iran together with Iraq. The shrines were believed to live the domicile places for the gods together with each metropolis had its ain patron god. Only priests , who were real powerful members of Sumerian monastic country , were permitted on the ziggurat or inwards the rooms at its base of operations , together with it was their responsibleness to tending for the gods together with attend to their needs.


Photo credit: Aladdin Hussam/Panoramio

One of the largest together with best-preserved ziggurats of Mesopotamia is the peachy Ziggurat at Ur , most Nasiriyah , inwards present-day Dhi Qar Province , Iraq. This massive rectangular construction measures 64 meters past times 45 meters together with has 3 levels of terraces , standing originally betwixt twenty together with xxx meters high , amongst grand staircases leading to each level. At its highest degree supposedly stood the temple of the Luna god Nanna , the patron deity of Ur. Unfortunately , the temple has non survived. Some bluish glazed bricks cause got been constitute which archaeologists suspect mightiness cause got been business office of the temple decoration.

The ziggurat was built past times King Ur-Nammu , but he died earlier his greatest operate could live finished , together with the projection was completed past times his boy Shulgi inwards the 21st century BCE. By the sixth century BCE , the Ziggurat had already crumbled to ruins. Unlike the ancient Egyptian pyramids , ziggurats were built of mud bricks laid together amongst bitumen or to a greater extent than mud. The bricks got damp inwards the pelting together with cracked inwards the summertime heat.

In the peachy Ziggurat at Ur , holes were constitute through the baked outside layer of the temple , presumably to allow H2O to evaporate from its core. Additionally , drains were built into the ziggurat’s terraces to deport away the wintertime rains.


A estimator generated 3D model of the Ziggurat equally it would cause got appeared when it was completed iv ,000 years ago. Photo credit: wikiwikiyarou/Wikimedia

The Ziggurat was restored twice , 1 time past times the final Neo-Babylonian Rex , Nabodinus , inwards the sixth century B.C.E. who built some construction on transcend of the massive base of operations replacing the small-scale shrine. But acre Ur-Nammu used durable bitumen mortar , Nabonidus' builders used ordinary cement. Wind together with pelting cause got since reduced his afterward construction to the heap of rubble that right away sits atop the ziggurat.

The side past times side repair took house two ,500 years afterward , inwards the 1980s , undertaken past times the one-time Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. He restored the façade together with staircases past times laying a layer of modern bricks to protect the master ones. But when Republic of Iraq plunged into the Gulf War inwards the 90s , Hussein cunningly incorporated the Ziggurat into his armed services base. Saddam Hussein knew that if he parked his MiG fighter jets only about the Ziggurat , USA bombers would spare them for fearfulness of destroying the ancient site. His tactics worked to some extent , together with the ziggurat suffered exclusively some youngster harm past times little arms fire. The walls of the Ziggurat are all the same marked amongst hundreds of bullet together with shrapnel holes.


Photo credit: Jim Gordon/Wikimedia


Photo credit: Kaufingdude/Wikimedia


Photo credit: Adullynew/Panoramio


Photo credit: jrmfewing/Panoramio


Photo credit: The U.S. Army/Flickr


Photo credit: The U.S. Army/Flickr


Photo credit: The U.S. Army/Flickr

Sources: Wikipedia / Khan Academy /

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The Great Ziggurat of Ur
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