Saturday, November 25, 2017

Sayhuite Stone: An Ancient Hydraulic Scale Model of The Inca Empire?

About 47 kilometers due east of the metropolis Abancay , inwards southern-central Republic of Peru , lies the archeological site of Sayhuite or Saywite , described past times historians equally a middle of religious worship for Inca people , who held rituals as well as ceremonies for the worship of water. The site’s original attraction is a big granite block whose upper surface is ornamented amongst complex as well as mysterious figures resembling a three-dimensional relief map of an ancient city.

The Sayhuite Stone is near 2 meters long as well as iv meters wide. The stone is carved amongst to a greater extent than than 2 hundred figures of geometric as well as zoomorphic shapes , to a greater extent than oft than non felines , reptiles , frogs , as well as serpents , that are sculpted into the likeness of a topographical hydraulic model , consummate amongst terraces , ponds , rivers , tunnels , as well as irrigation channels. The relief map is on the upper surface of what appears to locomote the bottom one-half of a huge boulder. The stone is located on pinnacle of the colina called Concacha , where it is believed to accept been transported since it is non a natural outcrop.

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Sayhuite Stone: An Ancient Hydraulic Scale Model of The Inca Empire?
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