Saturday, November 25, 2017

Spaso-Kamenny Monastery

The Spaso-Kamenny Monastery is located inwards a small-scale isle inwards the pump of Kubensky Lake , inwards Ust-Kubinsky District of Vologda Oblast , well-nigh 500 kilometers N of Moscow. It is distinguished equally the get-go rock monastery of the Russian North.

Kamenny Island is rattling small-scale criterion only 120 meters past times lxx meters , too the lake inwards which it is situated is known for its inclement conditions too frequent storms. When the monastery was built , the monks reinforced the isle past times setting upward a stony rampart some the island's perimeter inwards lodge to forbid erosion. That’s how the monastery got its name: Spaso-Kamenny is literally “Savior on Stone” , too thence called inwards award of the principal temple of Transfiguration of Our Savior.


Photo credit: Yury Saygon/Wikimedia

Legend has it that inwards 1269 Duke Gleb Vasilkovich , Prince of Belozersk , was caught inwards a severe tempest too was shape ashore on this isle where he flora a small-scale community of hermits living there. When he learned that the hermits couldn’t afford to convey a church building , he ordered the structure of a wooden cathedral. But it wasn’t until 2 hundred years subsequently that a four-pillared rock cathedral was erected on the island. Although the monastery did live , it couldn’t grow because of express territory that the tiny too remote isle could afford. By the 16th century , the monastery had declined to obscurity. It was remembered inwards Moscow primarily equally a house of exile , where the famous Old Believer , Ivan Neronov , was deported.

In 1774 i of the exiles fix the monastery on burn , too the monks were transferred for 26 years to Vologda. When they finally returned to the isle inwards 1801 , the cathedral was restored amongst v domes instead of one. The alone post-medieval buildings on the isle were an inn too 2 lighthouses , built for the needs of the monastery inwards the 1870s.

In 1925 , the Soviet authorities closed downward the monastery , too the isle i time once again became a penal colony for tyke delinquents. In 1937 , the colony was closed downward too the isle has been deserted e'er since.

Since the in conclusion few years , a squad of volunteers are trying restore the cathedral , but progress has been tedious because of lack of funds.


Photo credit: unknown


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Photo credit: unknown


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An early on 20th century photograph of Spaso-Kamenny Monastery. Photo credit:

Sources: Wikipedia /

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Spaso-Kamenny Monastery
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