Saturday, November 25, 2017

Fort Alexander Saint Petersburg

The urban kernel of Petrograd at the caput of the Gulf of Republic of Finland on the Baltic Sea , was in 1 lawsuit protected past times a string of forts across the gulf. Most of these forts were constructed inward too roughly the isle of Kotlin which is situated inward the oculus of the narrow cervix of the Gulf at a distance of xxx km from Petrograd proper. Some forts were too built on the shores of the Gulf across the island. Together they offered a formidable defense forcefulness against enemy attacks from the sea.

Construction of these forts commenced shortly later Petrograd was founded , urged past times the Great Northern War of 1700–1721. Over the side past times side 2 centuries , Russian Federation continued to fortify the expanse edifice over 40 forts betwixt the southern too northern shores of the Gulf of Finland. Almost one-half of these were built on artificial islands.

One of the well-nigh famous forts inward the gulf is Fort Alexander commissioned past times Emperor Nikolay I too named later his blood brother , Emperor Alexander I. It was built betwixt 1838 too 1845.

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Fort Alexander Saint Petersburg
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