Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Mausoleum of The Martyrdom of Polish Villages

A beautiful novel World War 2 memorial is nearing completion inwards MichniĆ³w inwards south-central Poland. Set to opened upwardly inwards 2016 , the Mausoleum of the Martyrdom of Polish Villages volition pay tribute to thousands of citizens who were murdered during the High German draw of piece of occupation of rural Poland betwixt 1939 in addition to 1945. MichniĆ³w , the hamlet chosen for the memorial , suffered 1 of the nearly blood-curling human activity of atrocity where the entire hamlet —a population of over 200— was massacred past times the High German Police over a two-day period.

The Mausoleum of the Martyrdom of Polish Villages was commissioned past times the Kielce Region Countryside Museum , in addition to is beingness designed in addition to built past times Polish architect in addition to sculptor Oradour-sur-Glane: The Village Massacred inwards WW2 in addition to Preserved Since Then


Photo credit: Nizio Design International


Photo credit: Nizio Design International


Photo credit: Nizio Design International


Photo credit: Nizio Design International


Photo credit: Nizio Design International


Photo credit: Nizio Design International


Photo credit: Nizio Design International

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The Mausoleum of The Martyrdom of Polish Villages
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