Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Gregynog Hall of Tregynon

The historic Gregynog Hall inwards the hamlet of Tregynon , inwards Wales , Great Britain , is a large province mansion whose vivid black-and-white timber-framed façade is genuinely made of concrete. The master menage dated dorsum to the twelfth century , as well as was made of actual woods , only when it was rebuilt inwards the 1840s past times Charles Hanbury-Tracy , the showtime Baron of Sudeley , it was designed to resemble the half-timbered architecture of a Montgomeryshire farmhouse. In fact , the Gregynog Hall is amid the earliest examples of concrete role inwards edifice inwards Britain. The Sudeleys were too pioneers of the role of concrete inwards the edifice of novel cottages as well as farmhouses on the Gregynog estate , as well as many such examples tin withal survive seen inwards Tregynon as well as the surrounding countryside.


Photo credit: Broneirion/Wikimedia

The position of Gregynog Hall’s master residents are unclear , only from the 15th century to the 19th century it was the habitation of the Blayney as well as Hanbury-Tracy families. It passed through several to a greater extent than families , as well as each fourth dimension the estate was separate as well as sold to diverse tenants until the Gregynog estate shrunk from a massive eighteen ,000 acres to mere 750 acres consisting of the mansion surrounded past times farms , woodlands as well as formal gardens.

In 1920 , the estate was purchased past times the Davies sisters —Margaret as well as Gwendoline , who intended to brand Gregynog a pump for the arts , a house where music , crafts as well as fine fine art could flourish. Over the next decades Gregynog became a byword for music as well as printing. The Davies sisters too collected a large seat out of French Impressionist as well as Post-Impressionist paintings , which are instantly on display at a especial gallery at the National Museum of Wales inwards Cardiff. In 1933 the Davies sisters launched the Gregynog Music Festival , the oldest classical music festival inwards Wales withal inwards operation. The too established the Gregynog Press , which withal exists nether the refer of Gwasg Gregynog , as well as is famous for its limited edition hand-printed books alongside fine bindings as well as exquisite wood-engraved illustrations.

When Margaret Davis died inwards 1960 she gave Gregynog to the University of Wales. Since as well as thus the Hall hosts conferences , weddings as well as fifty-fifty offers accommodation for tourist.


Photo credit: Mike S/Flickr


Photo credit: Justin/Flickr


Photo credit: James F Clay/Flickr


Photo credit: Plashing Vote/Flickr


Photo credit: Plashing Vote/Flickr


Photo credit: Mr Penybanc/Flickr


Photo credit:

Sources: Wikipedia / Britain Express

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The Gregynog Hall of Tregynon
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