Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Alphabets From Space

In July 2012 , piece working on a even out almost wildfires , NASA’s scientific discipline author together with social media managing director Adam P. Voiland spotted a V-shaped plumage of smoke caused past times a wildfire inwards the Caribou Mountains inwards northern Alberta , Canada. That ikon made him wonder if at that spot are other alphabets hidden alongside the millions of photos of earth’s surface taken past times NASA’s satellites. It was a mammoth chore , together with thence he enlisted the mesh inwards the ambitious project.  With the aid of readers together with colleagues , Voiland started collecting images of ephemeral features similar clouds , phytoplankton blooms , together with dust clouds that formed shapes reminiscent of letters. Now , over 3 years after , his search is completed together with the results are exceedingly beautiful together with educational.


“Some letters , similar O together with C , were slowly to discovery ,” said Voiland. “Others—A , B , together with R—were maddeningly difficult.”

After he had tracked downward all the letters , he wrote playful captions for each photos inspired past times physician Seuss which he was reading to his son.

Here is a alternative of alphabets from the gallery.


Bonjour B , what begins with B? Biomass together with boreal forests. Beirut , Barcelona , together with Brasília. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 bunch of babbling birds bunched upward along Holla Bend.

On August four , 2014 , the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8 acquired this ikon of the Arkansas River together with the Holla Bend Wildlife Refuge. In the wintertime , it is mutual for the refuge to host 100 ,000 ducks together with geese at once.


Big C , fiddling C , what begins with C? This curving crescent of carbonate together with quartz clinging to the coast. There is CloudSat together with CALIPSO. Contrails from jets cruising over cumulus clouds. The Corolis forcefulness , chlorofluorocarbons , together with crafty coccolithophores!

An astronaut captured this photograph of an artificial isle at the southern terminate of Bahrain Island on Jan 23 , 2011. The beach sand on tropical islands is to a greater extent than oftentimes than non made upward of calcium carbonate from the shells together with skeletons of marine organisms.


What begins with E? globe , of course. Evaporation together with the exosphere. Arab Republic of Egypt together with Eyjafjallajökull. Eskers , erratics , El Niño , together with EO-1. This ephemeral entourage of algae off the due east coast of an isle where English linguistic communication is spoken!

On Oct 25 , 2009 , the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this ikon of a phytoplankton blossom off the coast of New Zealand.


Big F , fiddling f. What begins with F? Firn-filled fjords together with frozen forms on folded , fossil-filled facies of rock! Fog , fossil fuels , together with faults. French Republic , Fort Collins , together with don’t forget Fiji.

The Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8 acquired this false-color ikon of valleys together with snow-covered mount ranges inwards southeastern Tibet on August four , 2014. Firn is a granular type of snowfall oftentimes flora on the surface of a glacier earlier it has been compressed into ice


What begins with I? In situ measurements together with infrared radiation. Ice sheets together with isthmuses. Istanbul together with Ilopango. This intriguing ikon of India’s Andaman Island after an intimidating incident involving an earthquake.

On Feb 10 , 2007 , the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this ikon of the Andaman Islands. The sparse , brilliant rings surrounding several of the islands are coral reefs that were lifted upward past times a massive earthquake close Sumatra inwards 2004


What begins with J? Jason-1 together with the jet stream. Jerusalem , Djakarta , together with Johnson Space Center. This jade-colored coral reef juxtaposed against the jumble of the sea.

On July 17 , 2015 , the Operational Land Imager on Landsat 8 captured this ikon of the Trunk Reef close Townsville , Australia


What begins with M? The meandering Mississippi. MODIS together with MISR. Bombay , Miami , together with Moscow. These medial moraines merging muck together with minerals for millennia!

On August xiv , 2015 , the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8 captured this ikon of glaciers inwards the Tian Shan mountains inwards northeastern Kyrgyzstan. The trail of dark-brown sediment inwards the pump of the uppermost glacier is a medial moraine , a term glaciologists piece of employment to depict sediment that accumulates inwards the pump of merging glaciers


What begins with N? Numerous cloud condensation nuclei inwards the North Pacific! Nefarious nitrogen dioxide together with NOx. The close infrared together with NDVI together with the Nimbus satellite. Nor’easters together with the Nile at night.

On March four , 2009 , the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Terra satellite captured this ikon of send tracks over the Pacific. Ship emissions incorporate pocket-sized particles that crusade the clouds to form


What begins with T? Taal together with Tolbachik. Taiga , typhoons , tornadoes , together with thunderstorms. The trove of trees together with towns tucked into this terrain inwards the United Arab Emirates.

On March nine , 2015 , the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8 captured this ikon of evolution along 2 roads inwards the United Arab Emirates


What begins with X? There are xenoliths , the xylem inwards xeric woodlands , together with the cities of Xian together with Xalapa. Not much else begins with X , together with thence relaX together with relish this eXcellent icy X!

On August seven , 2012 , the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission together with Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this false-color ikon of the northwest corner of Leidy Glacier inwards Greenland.


Z , what begins with Z? Republic of Zambia together with Zimbabwe. Zenith together with zooplankton. Zillions of smoke particles zipping , zooming , together with zigzagging higher upward Canada!

On July eleven , 2012 , the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this ikon of wildfire smoke over Canada.

See to a greater extent than of the gallery on NASA’s website.

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The Alphabets From Space
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