Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Island Town of Sviyazhsk

When Ivan the Terrible , the Grand Prince of Moscow in addition to the starting fourth dimension Tsar of Russian Federation , ascended the throne inwards the optic of the 16th century , he decided to pose an halt to the Khanate of Kazan , a medieval Bulgarian-Tatar Turkic field occupying the territory of onetime Volga Republic of Bulgaria , in addition to ruled past times the descendants of Genghis Khan. The Khanates in addition to the Muscovites had been at conflict for the final hundred years. The os of disputation betwixt the 2 was Kazan’s strategic place on the Volga River virtually its confluence alongside the Kama , the major river inwards the western Ural Mountains. As long every mo Kazan existed every mo a threat , Russian sweat into in addition to beyond the Urals , likewise every mo southward toward the Caspian Sea , was blocked.

sviyazhsk-7Russia Beyond the Headlines / Wikipedia /

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The Island Town of Sviyazhsk
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