Friday, November 24, 2017

Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse

The Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse inwards Kashan , Islamic Republic of Iran , is a 16th century populace bathhouse built during the fourth dimension of the Safavid empire , which ruled Islamic Republic of Iran , along amongst parts of Turkey together with Georgia , from the 16th to 18th centuries. Characterized yesteryear vaulted ceilings , exquisite mosaics together with paintings , this gorgeous construction is i of the most beautiful together with best preserved historic bathhouse inwards Islamic Republic of Iran today. Declared a national heritage site yesteryear Iran’s Cultural Heritage Department inwards 1956 , the bathhouse is named afterward Imamzadeh Sultan Amir Ahmad , whose mausoleum is nearby , although piffling is known almost this holy man.

The bathhouse has the cast of a large octagonal hall amongst an octagonal puddle inwards the amount , together with surrounded yesteryear viii pillars separating its outer sitting area. This is non the principal bathing expanse though , rather the dressing hall or Sarbineh , where bathers lounged together with socialized. Since ancient times , bathhouses played an of import purpose inwards the social lives of Iranians together with they even together with thence produce today. Bathhouses are intended non entirely to cleanse oneself together with relax exactly to assemble , encounter , gossip together with fifty-fifty pray. / Encyclopedia Iranica

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Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse
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