Saturday, November 25, 2017

Sarajevo Roses: Mortar Scars Filled With Red Resin equally War Memories

During the Bosnian War of 1992-95 , the metropolis of Sarajevo was nether siege yesteryear the Serbian regular army for a catamenia of 44 months —the longest siege of a uppercase metropolis inwards the history of modern warfare. It is estimated that an average of 330 shells hitting the metropolis every twenty-four hours , leaving craters all over the streets in addition to on the sidewalks. After the nation of war was over , many of these craters , peculiarly those explosions that accept resulted inwards deaths of civilians , were filled alongside resin in addition to painted bloody ruby inwards laurels of the blood that was spilled. Because of their feature floral shapes , these resin-filled craters are bitterly called Sarajevo Roses.


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In the end few years , many of the Sarajevo Roses accept disappeared every bit roads in addition to sidewalks were repaired in addition to the roses pose over alongside asphalt in addition to concrete. Families of the victims of the siege accept rallied for the preservation of the Sarajevo Roses , pleading alongside authorities to reckon them every bit monuments of the nation of war that should travel protected.

As of 2015 , the authorities is working on the restoration of 12 remaining roses of the most i hundred that were originally created.

"The criteria for preserving the remaining roses is that at to the lowest degree 3 people must accept been killed inwards the explosion ," said Osman Smajlovic , Assistant Minister for the Cantonal Institute for the Protection of the Cultural in addition to Natural Heritage.

Smajlovic likewise said that the restored Sarajevo Roses volition travel nominated to UNESCO's World Heritage List.


Photo credit: unknown


Photo credit: Béatrice BDM/Flickr


Photo credit: Damien Halleux Radermecker/Flickr


Photo credit: Martha Heinemann Bixby/Flickr


Photo credit: Mandy/Flickr


Photo credit: Terra Libera/Flickr


Photo credit: hélène veilleux/Flickr

Sources: Wikipedia /

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Sarajevo Roses: Mortar Scars Filled With Red Resin equally War Memories
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