Saturday, November 25, 2017

Ochtinská Aragonite Cave

The Ochtinská Aragonite Cave , inwards southern Slovakia , is i of the few caves inwards the basis where aragonite crystals are found. There is i inwards the Czechia (Zbrašov aragonite caves) too other caves are located inwards Brazil , Argentine Republic , United Mexican States too the U.S.A. of America , but the aragonite fillings inwards Ochtinská Aragonite Cave is yesteryear far the virtually beautiful.

Aragonite is a naturally occurring crystal bird of calcium carbonate , the same mineral that forms the to a greater extent than commonly available calcite. While calcite forms huge lumpy blocks , aragonite crystals are columnar or fibrous. In Ochtinská Aragonite Cave , they grow inwards twisted , needle similar formations that await similar a bunch of tangled hair. These structures are real frail too tin interruption at the slightest touch. Crystal structures such every bit these are known every bit helictites , too to this solar daytime , in that place has been no satisfactory explanation for how they are formed.


Photo credit: Traveltipy/Flickr

A helictite starts out every bit a tiny stalactite — those icicle-shaped formation that hangs from the ceiling of a cave. They are formed yesteryear the atmospheric precipitation of minerals —calcium carbonate , inwards this case— dissolved inwards H2O that drip downwards through the porous rocks of the cave ceiling. But instead of growing vertically downwards , the stalactite starts to wander , twisting too turning every bit it grows. Sometimes the stalactite volition grow unremarkably but a divulge of secondary beginning similar growths volition popular out from the sides.

What causes the stalactite to interruption bird is even too hence a mystery , although in that place are a few theories. Capillary forces powerfulness travel responsible for drawing H2O along paths against gravity. Or the air current powerfulness blow the stalactites to dissimilar directions. But these theories are problematic. The bulk of helictites are non hollow , too hence capillary forces can’t deed , too many caves convey no entrance where air current could enter.

The Ochtinská Aragonite Cave was discovered accidentally inwards 1954. While looking for Fe ore , explorers dug through the basis too stumbled upon the cave. Prior to its regain , the cave had no natural entrances. Since it opened to Earth inwards 1972 , nearly xxx ,000 people has been visiting the cave each twelvemonth to appreciate the rare beauty of its crystals. The virtually impressive is Galaxy Hall which is covered alongside white bunches of aragonite , glowing inwards the lamplight similar stars inwards the nighttime sky. Some of the oldest aragonite crystals at Ochtinská are 138 ,000 years old.


Photo credit: Jean-Marie Prival/Flickr


Photo credit: Jean-Marie Prival/Flickr


Photo credit: Peter Fenda/Flickr


Photo credit: Erwin/Flickr


Photo credit: Traveltipy/Flickr


Photo credit: Jean-Marie Prival/Flickr

Sources: / / Wondermondo / Wikipedia

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Ochtinská Aragonite Cave
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