Friday, November 24, 2017

Kaninchenfeld: The Brass Rabbits of Berlin

Berlin was in i trial divided into East in addition to West Berlin yesteryear a massive concrete wall , the infamous Berlin Wall , that created a 155-km-long strip of no mans land. This in addition to then called “death strip” on the East German linguistic communication side of the wall was off-limits to people. It was raked amongst sand in addition to gravel to present footprints , lit amongst floodlights at nighttime , in addition to guarded yesteryear fell dogs in addition to patrolling soldiers ready to shoot downwardly escapees on sight. While the Berlin Wall succeeded inwards preventing its human citizens from escaping the communist East Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany , the rabbits had costless reign , burrowing nether the wall in addition to hopping off from East to West. Berliners on both sides of the wall looked on the rabbits fondly because they reminded them of the liberty of movement they in i trial had.


Photo credit: digitalcosmonaut/Flickr

But when the Berlin Wall came downwardly inwards 1990 , the bunny population disappeared into parks , bushes in addition to gardens. Nearly all of them migrated to the W where is straightaway virtually 10 colonies of wild rabbits , in addition to entirely i inwards the east.

In fellowship to commemorate the bunnies of the Berlin Wall , inwards 1999 , Berlin creative someone Karla Sachse installed the silhouettes of 120 brass rabbits into the asphalt of the route in addition to slabs of the pavement inwards the Chausseestrasse surface area of Berlin. The projection is called Kaninchenfeld , which is “rabbit field” inwards German linguistic communication , in addition to the fine art pieces are located at the site of the sometime edge crossing.

Sadly , the brass rabbit population is declining , but similar their existent life counterparts did when the Berlin Wall was torn down. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 large disclose of them convey disappeared nether fresh layer of asphalt. Careless reconstruction likewise destroyed many. It’s difficult to nation how many live on today , in addition to no i seems to live interested inwards saving them.


Photo credit: Photo credit: digitalcosmonaut/Flickr


Photo credit: digitalcosmonaut/Flickr


Photo credit: digitalcosmonaut/Flickr

Sources: AndBerlin / Digital Cosmonaut / The Guardian

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Kaninchenfeld: The Brass Rabbits of Berlin
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