Sunday, November 26, 2017

El Tatio Geyser Field

The El Tatio Geyser Field , locally known equally Los Géiseres del Tatio , is located inside the Andes Mountains of northern Republic of Chile , close 89 kilometers from San Pedro. With over eighty active geysers too a hundred steamy fumaroles , El Tatio is the largest geyser plain inward the southern hemisphere too the 3rd largest plain inward the the world , next Yellowstone National Park inward USA , too Valley of Geysers inward Russia. Approximately 8% of the the world geysers are located here. El Tatio is likewise alongside 1 of the highest-elevation geyser fields inward the the world , beingness situated at four ,200 meters inward a higher house hateful body of body of water level.

Despite the large give away of geysers hither , the eruptions are non real high , reaching an average of exclusively 76 centimeters. For comparing , those inward Yellowstone National Park , too inward Republic of Iceland , shoots upwardly to 60-70 meters.


Photo credit: Robin Fernandes/Flickr

The best fourth dimension to encounter the eruptions is at early on forenoon when are tall , billowing steam plumes. The large steam clouds diminish equally daytime temperatures ascent , only geyser activity continues throughout the hateful solar daytime unabated. El Tatio is a major tourist attraction. Tourists typically larn far earlier sunrise , due east breakfast consisting of eggs boiled inward hot springs , sentiment the geysers , too conduct keep a soak inward a warm puddle earlier returning to their hotels.

Unfortunately , at El Tatio at that spot are no boardwalks or designated roads then footprints too tire tracks are constitute all over the plain , fifty-fifty over minor spouters which are similar a shot filled with sediments. Many springs conduct keep likewise been vandalized with rocks jammed into their vents. When these vents were cleared , it was observed that many geysers erupted to greater heights. Given its mostly unmanaged , unprotected condition , researchers assume that a large amounts of geysers conduct keep in all likelihood disappeared over years of abuse.


Photo credit: Max Besser Jirkal/Flickr


Photo credit: Robin Fernandes/Flickr


Photo credit: diego.aviles/Flickr


Photo credit: Claudius Prößer/Flickr


Photo credit: karendesuyo/Flickr


Photo credit: Dieter Titz/Flickr


Photo credit: Max Besser Jirkal/Flickr


Photo credit: Max Besser Jirkal/Flickr


Photo credit: Nico Kaiser/Flickr

Sources: Wikipedia / J. Alan Glennon & Rhonda M. Pfaff

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El Tatio Geyser Field
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