Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Giddy House Port Royal Jamaica

On the grounds of Fort Charles inward the pocket-size town of Port Royal , Jamaica , stands a lopsided edifice called “the Giddy House”. Half buried inward sand too tilting at nearly 45 degrees , the Giddy House is 1 of the few remaining relics of the 1907 Kingston earthquake which shook the upper-case alphabetic lineament of the isle of Jamaica , too destroyed the old “sin city” of Port Royal.

Port Royal , situated at the oral cavity of the Kingston Harbour , inward southeastern Jamaica , was in 1 lawsuit the pirate upper-case alphabetic lineament of the Caribbean Area , where English linguistic communication too Dutch-sponsored privateers too pirates alike would congregate to opportunity , whore too potable , lending Port Royal the championship of "the wickedest metropolis on earth".


Photo credit: Stéphane DAMOUR/Flickr

Port Royal’s wicked days began presently after Jamaica was captured yesteryear the British from Kingdom of Spain during the invasion of 1655. To protect the newly captured territory , the hence Governor of England invited pirates to Port Royal giving them official “letters of marque” to teach after Castilian ships too settlements. The strategy proved to move hence successful that Kingdom of Spain was forced to continually defend their belongings too did non direct maintain the agency amongst which to retake the land.

Port Royal meanwhile flourished. Between 1655 too 1692 , it grew faster than whatsoever town founded yesteryear the English linguistic communication inward the New World. At its acme inward 1692 , the town had a population of vi ,500 too ii ,000 buildings densely packed into 51 acres. Its residents ostentatiously displayed their wealth too indulged inward all kinds of vices. The town developed a reputation equally a den of wickedness too godlessness. 

In 1692 , a massive earthquake shook Jamaica too the resulting seismic sea wave swallowed a pregnant department of Port Royal. What remained standing was brought to ruins xv years afterwards yesteryear unopen to other earthquake. This minute earthquake was hence devastating that it caused the sand nether Port Royal to liquefy too period of time out into Kingston Harbour. Not a unmarried edifice inward Port Royal remained upright.

The Giddy House was constructed inward 1888 equally a Royal Artillery House at Fort Charles , 1 of the oldest forts inward Port Royal , constructed inward 1655. Located on the western halt of the Palisadoes Strip , Fort Charles was built yesteryear the British after Jamaica was taken from the Spaniards. The Fort was initially damaged inward the earthquake of 1692 , only it was the earthquake of 1907 that caused the well-nigh harm. Many of the fort’s cannons too guns sunk into the sand , too unopen to areas of the fort disappeared altogether. The Giddy House tilted at an angle too sunk halfway into the ground.

Port Royal lived out its days equally a British naval station too today remains equally a pocket-size line-fishing village.


Photo credit: Christian y Sergio Velasco/Flickr


Photo credit: Christian y Sergio Velasco/Flickr


Photo credit: howard wong/Flickr


Inside the Giddy House. Photo credit: Christian y Sergio Velasco/Flickr


Fort Charles. Photo credit: Kent MacElwee/Flickr


Fort Charles. Photo credit: Kent MacElwee/Flickr


Fort Charles. Photo credit: Stéphane DAMOUR/Flickr

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The Giddy House Port Royal Jamaica
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